In the heart of Kaptiony village, nestled within Barwessa Ward of Baringo North Sub-County, stands a conspicuous signboard proudly declaring the presence of Kaptiony Girls High School.
Adorned with black letters against a vibrant yellow backdrop, the signboard features the emblem of the Ministry of Education, along with the national Coat of Arms, a designated postal address, and the school motto: “Sacrifice to Excel.”
Remarkably, despite the grand display, the actual school is nowhere to be found, not even on paper.
There are no structures erected, no students enrolled, and notably, no evidence of construction activities.
This absence cannot be attributed to the prevalent issue of banditry, which often plagues the region.
The solitary signboard, situated amidst a grazing field now overrun with shrubbery, was installed over a year ago.
Adjacent to it lies more than seven acres of land enclosed by fencing and equipped with a prominently labeled gate, presumably designated for the purported school.
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