The State Department of Livestock Wednesday issued an alert on suspected dog slaughter and sale of meat in the country.
The Director of Veterinary Services Dr. Obadiah Njagi has directed that county Veterinary officers take quick and decisive action to protect consumers and the meat trade in the country.
Dr. Njagi said dog meat is not a declared food animal in Kenya as per section 2 of the Meat Control Act.
“This, therefore, makes it illegal for any person to slaughter any undeclared animal and offer the meat for sale to unsuspecting customers,” the Director said.
He added that such sales constituted fraud warning that consumers of such meat are exposed to zoonotic diseases arising from uninspected meat.
The county directors have also been directed to be extra vigilant to activities conducted by such unscrupulous persons by ensuring that all meat offered for consumption is slaughtered in approved slaughterhouses, duly inspected, stamped, and transported under the control of inspecting officers.
“Surveillance of such activities should be enhanced in collaboration with other relevant government agencies and deterrent action is taken to curb this illegal activity,” he added.
This follows a video that circulated showing a dog being slaughtered by unknown people.