The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) Board of Directors today announced the appointment of Humphrey Mulongo Wattanga as the new Commissioner General.
Wattanga recently concluded his six-year term as Commissioner and Vice Chair of the Commission on Revenue Allocation and has since been serving as Managing Director of Meghraj Capital Group.
Wattanga is a corporate finance professional with over 20 years of international experience in mobilizing capital and structuring financial transactions in the public and private sectors.
He has also been keenly focused on the application of technology to gain efficiencies and deliver targeted outcomes.
He began his career in the United States working for the largest telecommunications company (AT&T) before relocating to South Africa for a decade as a Senior Partner of AFCORP Investments Limited, a specialist corporate finance and transaction advisory firm undertaking and structuring capital raising transactions across the continent.
He played a key role in the conceptualization, design, development, and implementation of a groundbreaking mobile gateway platform that linked Kenya’s mobile money platforms to the Nairobi Securities Exchange, which was used to launch the M-Akiba bond.
At CRA, he led the performance review of the numerous county revenue collection systems and guided a multi-agency effort to specify and develop a single integrated county revenue management system.
He has served as a member of the investment committee of Kenya Climate Ventures (KCV), a pioneering climate-smart investment platform that supports small and medium-sized enterprises.
He is a Platinum Member of the Kenya Institute of Bankers.
Mr. Wattanga attended Uhuru Estate Primary School in Nairobi, where he attained a top 20 position in the country in the 1986 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exam.
He then proceeded to Alliance High School, where he attained the top position in the country in the 1990 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exam.
He was awarded a full scholarship to Harvard University, where he majored in Biochemical Sciences and graduated with honors after cloning a gene for a key factor involved in genetic-switching mechanisms.
He received the Nelson Mandela Hope Worldwide scholarship to the Wharton School of Business, where he graduated with a Master of Business Administration in Information Systems Strategy and Economics.
He takes over from Githii Mburu who left office early this year.