The total number of crimes reported to the police in Kenya increased by 8.4 per cent to 88,083 in 2022.
The Economic Survey-2023 says 81,272 cases were reported in 2021, 69,645 in 2020, 93,411 in 2019 and 88,268 in 2018.
In 2022, there were 3,056 cases of homicide, 3,281 in 2021, 3,111 in 2020, 2,971 in 2019 and 2,856 in 2019 while rape cases stood at 827 in 2022, 1,013 in 2021, 973 in 2020, 950 in 2019 and 921 in 2021.
Defilement cases stood at 5,530 in 2022, 6,492 in 2021, 6,801 in 2020, 5,297 in 2019 and 4,767 in 2018 while sodomy cases stood at 86 in 2022, 88 in 2021, 54 in 2020, 91 in 2019 and 71 in 2018.
There were 59 cases of abduction in 2022, 61 in 2021, 70 in 2020, 71 in 2019 and 52 in 2018.
The persons reported to have committed murder in 2022 hit 1,942 as compared to 2,088 in 2021, 1,781 in 2020, 1,527 in 2019 and 2,333 in 2018.
Offences against morality stood at 7,199 in 2022, 8, 182 in 2021, 9,153 in 2020, 8,051 in 2019 and 7, 233 in 2018.
There were a total of 3,125 cases of robbery in 2022, 2,456 in 2021, 2,384 in 2020, 2,858 in 2019 and 2,935 in 2018.
Stealing cases stood at 14,714 in 2022 as compared to 11,762 in 2021, 8,709 in 2020, 13,954 in 2019 and 12,845 in 2018 while criminal damage stood at 4,426 in 2022, 4,627 in 2021, 3,530 in 2020, 4,852 in 2019 and 4,783 in 2018.
Other offences against persons, stealing and offences against morality jointly accounted for more than half of the total crimes reported to the police in 2022.
The highest increase in crimes reported to the police was recorded for theft of stock (36.4%) followed by traffic offences (28.5%) and robbery (27.2%), Similarly, the number of offences reported for stealing increased by 25.1 per cent to 14,718 in 2022.
There were 2,679 cases of theft of stock in 2022, 1,964 in 2021, 1,556 in 2020, 1,962 in 2019 and 2,077 in 2018 while theft of vehicles and other thefts stood at 1,459 in 2022, 1,278 in 2021, 1,031 in 2020, 1,298 in 2019 and 1,370 in 2018.
Cases of dangerous drugs stood at 6,526 in 2022, 5,743 in 2021, 4,477 in 2020, 8,011 in 2019 and 8,022 in 2018 while economic crimes hit 4,367 in 2022, 4,004 in 2021, 3,488 in 2020, 4,786 in 2019 and 4,100 in 2018.
The report did not capture cases of suicide which are on the rise in the country.
Nairobi City, Kiambu and Meru command stations accounted for the highest proportion of crimes reported at 9.7, 8.9 and 6.5 per cent, respectively, in 2022.
Samburu, Isiolo, Kiambu and Kajiado command stations also recorded significant increases in crimes during the review period.
Notable declines were however, recorded in crimes reported to the police in Kakamega (33.4%), Marsabit (25.3%), Siaya (20.1%) and Nandi (19.0%) command stations during the same period.
There were 8,512 crimes reported in Nairobi in 2022 as compared to 6,686 in 2021, 5,844 in 2020, 8,246 in 2019 and 7,128 in 2018 while Kiambu registered 7,844 cases in 2022 as compared to 5,715 in 2021.
Meru county recorded 5,698 cases in 2022 as compared to 5,032 in 2021 while Samburu had 534 cases in 2022 as compared to 316 in 2021, 380 in 2020, 363 in 2019 and 436 in 2018.
In 2022, police recovered 235 illegally held rearms compared to 98 firearms recovered in 2021.
The number of rearms surrendered increased to 375 in 2022 compared to 16 rearms surrendered in 2021.
Police recovered 3,879 rounds of ammunition in 2022 down from 8,225 recovered in 2021. There was a decline in the number of dangerous drugs seized from 13,080 kilogrammes in 2021 to 5,850 kilogrammes in 2022.
The number of persons reported to have committed crimes increased by 4.4 per cent to 87,858 in 2022.
During the review period, the number of crimes committed by males increased by 2.3 per cent to 70,383 while crimes committed by females increased by 13.6 per cent to 17,475.
Nairobi City command station recorded the highest number of persons reported to the police to have committed crime at 8,519 followed by Kiambu and Meru command stations at 7,825 and 5,672 persons, respectively. Samburu and Kiambu command stations were among the stations that recorded an increased number of persons reported to have committed crimes in 2022.
However, Kakamega, Siaya and Marsabit command stations recorded declines in the number of persons reported to have committed crimes.
The number of per- sons reported to the police as having committed crimes against morality declined by 14.8 per cent to 7,199 in 2022.
Defilement accounted for 76.8 per cent of the number of persons reported to have committed crimes against morality followed by rape at 11.5 per cent.
Persons reported to have committed bestiality increased from 14 in 2021 to 22 in 2022, while those involved in indecent assault increased by 19.0 per cent to 375 in 2022. There was a marked reduction in persons reported to have committed bigamy from 99 in 2021 to 21 in 2022.
The total number of persons reported to have committed homicides declined by 8.6 per cent to 2,491 in 2022.
The decline was recorded in all categories except crimes associated with concealing births. Murder accounted for the largest share of homicides at 78.0 per cent in 2022.
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The value of assets traced by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission in 2021/22 more than doubled from Sh5.1 billion in 2020/21 to Sh11.2 billion in 2021/22.
However, the value of recovered assets declined to Sh0.9 billion in 2021/22 from Sh16.0 billion recovered in 2020/21.
A total of 403,182 new cases were led in the courts while 381,877 cases were disposed of and 664,164 cases were pending in 2022.
The number of judicial officers increased by 8.7 per cent to 771 in 2022, while that of practising lawyers increased by 12.7 per cent to 13,906 during the same period.
There was near parity in the number of male (382) and female (389) judicial officers in 2022.
17.3. The total number of persons committed to prison increased from 160,121 in 2021 to 169,579 in 2022 out of whom, 60.8 per cent were un-convicted prisoners.
About two-thirds of the convicted prisoners were individuals serving sentences between one month and two years.
The population of convicted juvenile prisoners (under 18 years) and adult prisoners (18 years and above) increased from 406 and 65,057 respectively, in 2021 to 927 and 65,493 respectively, in 2022.
Nearly one in four prisoners was charged with liquor offences.
The total population of offenders serving probation sentences, community services and aftercare declined from 8,202, 25,633 and 54 respectively, in 2021 to 8,104, 10,702 and 37 respectively, in 2022.
The total number of police officers, prison officers and probation officers increased from 101,421, 28,039 and 1,271 respectively 2021, to 109,857, 31,384 and 1,289 respectively, in 2022.
The Immigration Department issued 426,137 passports and 7,963 work permits in 2022.
The department registered 23,180 foreign nationals in 2022 compared to 24,713 registered in 2021.
The State Department for Refugee Services registered 573,508 refugees and asylum seekers by 2022, with Dadaab Camp accounting for the highest proportion of refugees and asylum seekers at 40.7 per cent.
Children accounted for the bulk of the population in the refugee camps at 51.9 per cent at the end of 2022. Similarly, the National Council for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) registered 602,133 Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) as of June 2022 compared to 552,019 PWDs as of June 2021.
Persons with physical disabilities ac- counted for 56.1 per cent of those registered.
The number of child protection cases reported to the Department of Children’s Services declined by 13.1 per cent to 166,957 in 2022.
Cases of children referred to other agencies and those picked up through diversion and counselling decreased by 15.4 per cent and 20.2 per cent, respectively.
Moreover, there was an increase in the interventions taken through legal processes, from 2,081 in 2021 to 3,709 in 2022.