Kenya will host the Africa Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF-III) training forum for the second time, according to the event’s organizers.
The third continental “Forum of the Institutions of National Qualifications Frameworks” will be held in Nairobi from October 1 to 4.
Organized by the African Union, Regional Economic Communities, and the Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA), this forum is a continuation of Kenya’s significant role in the ACQF implementation.
Dr. Alice Kande, Director General of KNQA, highlighted that Kenya’s involvement in ACQF reflects its leadership in advancing continental qualifications initiatives.
This follows a similar ACQF workshop hosted in Kenya in 2023.
The upcoming forum will focus on training for practitioners of recognition of prior learning (RPL).
The four-day event will offer both in-person and virtual sessions. Over 32 participants from 20 African countries and 4 economic regions, along with representatives from Kenyan higher learning institutions, are expected to attend.
Topics covered will include RPL in lifelong learning policies, theories underpinning RPL, RPL processes and quality assurance, and specific practices in Kenya.
Kenya has already begun implementing its recognition of prior learning policy, launched in March 2024.
This policy aims to establish a reliable system for acknowledging knowledge, skills, and competencies gained through practical experience that may not be backed by formal academic qualifications.
It serves as a bridge for transitioning from informal to formal education and facilitating flexible entry and exit between education and the labor market.
The ACQF initiative, supported by the European Union, is a policy of the African Union aimed at achieving continental integration through education and training, as well as promoting free movement of people and trade across Africa.
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