Mohammed Amin, Director of the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), led kenya’s delegation to the 92nd Interpol General Assembly held from November 4-7, 2024, in Glasgow, Scotland.
During the Assembly, Amin held bilateral meetings with delegations from the UAE and the USA, strengthening international law enforcement ties.
The assembly was officially opened by UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer, who enphasized the importance of global cooperation in trackling Transnational Organized Crime (TOC).
He also praised law enforcement officers for their unwavering dedication, nothing that too often, their works goes unrecognized.
“The role of Interpol in fostering international collaboration with organizations such as the African Union Mechanism for Cooperation, perticularly in the fight against TOC,Terorism and cybercrime,” Starmer highlited
The assembly features four key interactive panels focusing on the future of internatinal policing.
Topics include biometric technologies at the frontline, the role of artificial inteligece in policing, sustaining multilateralim to build an integrated globall.
One of the key agenda items at the meeting is the vote on the Interpol programme of activities and budget for 2025.
kenya’s inspector General of police, Douglas karanja, who is currently serving as the president of AFRIPOL, attended a related meeting in algeria last week.
Interpol, the world’s largest international policing organization with 196 members countries is headquatered in Lyon France.
Kenya is also home to the interpol Regional Bureau for East Africa bassed at the DCI Headquaters which connects national law enforcement agencies with global policing networks and facilitates cross-border cooperation on criminal investigations.
national Central Bureau (NCBs) play a critical role in this network enabling the exchange of criminal data and intelligence to assist in investigations across member countries.
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