Parts of Outering Road, Nairobi were rendered impassable for hours after angry protesters blocked the roads to protest the killing of a man in Kiamaiko area, Nairobi.
This was after a mission to recover a suspected stolen motorcycle turned tragic after police shot and killed one man in the sprawling area on Tuesday.
This sparked a daylong clash between locals and police.
The chaos spilled over to Outering Road, Juja Road, and adjacent roads where the protesters blocked the routes while engaging police in running battles.
According to police, they had gone to a house in the area to recover a stolen motorcycle when the mission turned deadly.
This is after some locals resisted the operation and stoned the officers.
This prompted the officers to open fire in the alleged defense.
In the process, one young boy was fatally shot.
Nairobi police commander Adamson Bungei said as the police withdrew from the area, armed youths stormed a house they claimed belonged to a police informant and set it on fire.
“This broke out to fight between two groups even as police tried to calm the otherwise worse situation,” he said.
The protesters spilled over to the busy Outering Road and adjacent roads with groups blockading routes.
It turned into chaos for hours before the situation calmed down.
Bungie said they are investigating the issue.
The locals said they were tired of police operations and asked to be left at peace.
The youth lit bonfires on the roads blocking motorists and other users for hours.
Police were forced to redirect motorists on the affected routes.
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