Four people were arrested over the murder of a 42-year-old woman
- The decomposing body of the deceased was exhumed from the shack
- Police launched investigation
Four people are in police custody following the murder of a 42-year-old woman from Madadeni, KwaZulu-Natal, Newcastillan News reported.
Newcastle Crime Fighter Task Team’s Imran Ghafoor explained that the arrest of the four people transpired on Tuesday, 14 February 2023, after a missing person’s case was reported to the Madadeni SAPS.
Furthermore, Ghafoor said information was gathered and followed up on. Where it was found that the missing woman had vanished over two years ago, despite the case only being opened on Tuesday.
As a result, an operational team comprised of the Amajuba Crime Intelligence, the Madadeni SAPS, the Newcastle Crime Fighter Task Team, Optimus Protection Services and the Anti-Hijacking team, got to work.
“The operational team followed intel and a 24-hour active operation was conducted in the Madadeni area,” he explained.
Newcastillan News reported that this resulted in the team making their way to Section 7, Madadeni, where two men and two women were arrested for the disappearance and murder of the missing person.
“The decomposed body of the missing person was recovered at the residence of the deceased, buried in the shack,” told Ghafoor.
With the four suspects now in custody, the community in the area allegedly grew restless, resulting in the Public Order Police Unit being called in to manage the crowds.
While not divulging how she was killed, Ghafoor confirmed that the implement used in the crime was recovered at the scene.
As police now conduct further investigations into the crime, Ghafoor concluded that a heartfelt thanks went out to the team involved in bringing the perpetrators to book.