A form four student was among three people who died in a grisly road accident at Koma in Matungulu Sub-county in Machakos.
The accident which involved a motorbike and a lorry ferrying soda happened a few meters from the Koma shopping center.
The student died on the spot, witnesses and police said.
The motorbike rider and one of his pillion passengers died half an hour later.
The witness blamed the motorbike rider for being reckless.
“I was delivering soda to Tala and on reaching Koma market I saw an approaching motorbike. The rider was swerving on the road dangerously.
In a bid to avoid hitting them, I slowed but still the motorbike collided with the lorry. The student died on the spot while the two died after 30 minutes,” the lorry driver said.
Michael Muli, a teacher at Muindi Mbingu High School said the student was a form four candidate who was heading back to school from mid-term break on Tuesday.
“To the parents and Muindi Mbigu School, we want to offer our condolences. Ramsey was a rugby player and a good student, it is a loss for us as a school,” Muli said.