More than 300 youths were Monday night arrested in an operation in parts of Eastleigh and neighboring estates in a new war targeting Super Power criminal gang.
Police said the men and women will be sorted out and interrogated before being released or taken to court.
This follows claims the gang is regrouping and taking charge in parts of Eastleigh amid calls for action to tame its re-emergence.
This also follows claims by three bodaboda riders they were attacked and stabbed by the gang members on Saturday night in Eastleigh.
Police have warned they will not allow the reemergence of the gang and that they had deployed more patrols to contain it.
The gang had been linked to various criminal activities in the area sending terror among many.
They attacked used knives targeting cash and other valuables.
It was almost entirely made up of young boys and together with Gaza of Kayole and 40 Brothers who were based in Eastleigh, police ranked the top three most dangerous criminal gangs in 2016.
Over years, the Super Power committed numerous criminal activities ranging from murder, mugging, pickpocketing and violent robbery.
Police say they have also received cases of murder linked to the gang.
They often roamed in the area stabbing their victims to spread fear and authority.
Police said the gang roamed at night but some operated daytime depending on the street.
This forced the government to deploy suspended cop Sergeant Ahmed Rashid who is supposed to face murder charges to fight the gang.
Police said the gang targeted mobile phones, cash and jewelry.
Most of the members are said to be young and were deported from the US and other European countries for crimes committed there.
Some of the gang members are drug addicts who had been deported for narcotics possession and trafficking.