Nashville, Tennessee, is an energetic and multifaceted city that draws numerous annual visitors.
As the state’s capital and largest urban center, its population exceeds 678,000 individuals.

Nonetheless, akin to many metropolitan areas, Nashville encounters certain obstacles concerning safety and crime.
This informative article delves into the most recent data and news surrounding the crime rate in Metropolitan Nashville, Tennessee, and examines its implications for both residents and tourists.
What is the crime rate in Nashville?
The crime rate is a quantification of the occurrence of crimes within a specific area or timeframe, typically expressed as the number of crimes per 100,000 individuals.
It encompasses two primary classifications: violent crime and property crime.
Violent crime encompasses severe offenses like murder, rape, robbery, and assault. Property crime comprises offenses such as burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft.
Based on the latest data from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports, Nashville experienced a significant crime rate of 5,124.3 per 100,000 individuals in 2020.
This rate was 106.90% higher than the national average and 57.78% higher than the Tennessee average.
The crime rate encompassed 1,073 incidents of violent crimes and 4,041 incidents of property crimes per 100,000 individuals.
As a result, the likelihood of becoming a victim of crime in Nashville was approximately 1 in 20.
When compared to similarly sized metropolitan areas, Nashville exhibits an above-average crime rate.
For instance, Portland, Oregon registered a total crime rate of 302.5 per 100,000 people, whereas Sacramento, California experienced a total crime rate of 375.9 per 100,000 people.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on the other hand, recorded a total crime rate of 226.9 per 100,000 people.
What are the trends and causes of crime in Nashville?
The crime rate in Nashville has experienced fluctuations over time, with an overall upward trend since 2014.
In 2017, the violent crime rate reached its highest point at 12.8 per 100,000 individuals, while the property crime rate peaked in 2018 at 39.6 per 100,000 individuals.
However, in 2020, both rates exhibited a minor decline compared to the preceding year.
Understanding the determinants of crime levels and patterns in a city is a complex task influenced by multiple factors.
Among these factors are socioeconomic conditions, shifts in demographics, law enforcement tactics, accessibility of drugs and weapons, and the public’s perception of safety.
However, accurately isolating and quantifying the precise influence of each factor on crime remains challenging.
According to some experts, the COVID-19 pandemic likely influenced crime trends in Nashville during 2020.
For instance, certain crimes like burglary and theft possibly experienced a decline as a result of increased home occupancy and reduced opportunities for offenders.
Conversely, there may have been an uptick in crimes such as domestic violence and drug-related offenses, potentially driven by heightened stress, isolation, and substance abuse.
How can you stay safe in Nashville?
Despite the high crime rate in Nashville, there are many ways to reduce your risk of becoming a victim or witness of crime. Here are some tips to stay safe in Nashville:
- Be aware of your surroundings and avoid walking alone at night or in unfamiliar areas.
- Lock your doors and windows and secure your valuables when you leave your home or car.
- Report any suspicious or criminal activity to the police or call 911 in case of emergency.
- Join or start a neighborhood watch program or community group to foster cooperation and communication among residents.
- Support local organizations and initiatives that aim to prevent or reduce crime and violence in Nashville.
- Follow the latest news and updates on crime and safety in Nashville from reliable sources.
Nashville boasts numerous captivating attractions and abundant opportunities for both residents and visitors.
Nevertheless, it is crucial to acknowledge that the city’s crime rate surpasses national and state averages.
Consequently, staying well-informed, remaining vigilant, and adopting necessary safety measures are paramount in safeguarding yourself and your companions from potential harm while enjoying all that Nashville has to offer.