A family in Machakos County has petitioned Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof Kithure Kindiki to intervene and solve a long dispute over a six-acre piece of land being targetted by alleged land grabbers.
The family is also demanding answers about how a private developer was given a lease on part of the government land at the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) depot in Tala town, Matungulu Sub County.
The parcel of land at the center of the dispute is located along the Kangundo – Nairobi road, some two kilometers from Tala town.
The aggrieved family led by Nicholas Ngoma has already handed the petition to the Matungulu Deputy County Commissioner pleading the matter be solved amicably.
” We appeal to CS Kindiki to help us .
We know that he is a just and fair minister,” said Ngoma in an interview.
Ngoma seeks to know from NCPB how the private developer leased part of the land by the grains handler despite the dispute.
NCPB has leased the land to Wilsuss Business Park owned by one Willy Manthi, a Tala-based businessman.
The developer has put up stalls and spaces that he has rented out to individuals.
” As a family, we demand that the agreement between the firm and NCPB be put on hold until the land dispute is settled,” said Ngoma in the letter dated March 25.

The family has already written to the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC ) and the Director of Public Prosecution ( DPP) over the matter.
The management of NCPB has also received a petition from the family over the dispute.
Ngoma has alleged that persons known to him have encroached on the family land and started subdividing using forged documentation.
Among the personalities who are laying claim to the piece of land include a former Senator and a former Yatta branch Kanu Chairman.
Already, a case was filed in the Machakos High Court in 2011 by the former Senator over his claim of ownership of the land and has dragged in court since then.
The former Senator claims he was sold the land by a person known to him yet documents from the Lands registry in Machakos show that the transfer documents were forged.
Ngoma said his family as an interested party was demanding a copy of the lease agreement between NCPB and Wilsuss Park.
” We are wondering whether the firm did a search to verify the land where they have developed structures was under dispute.”
” In fact more shocking is that one of the grabbers was five years old when he alleges to have owned the land,” said Ngoma.
He added that fingerprints used to authenticate documents were also found to.
have been forged by the masterminds of the grabbing.
The DPP has already ordered that a file on the dispute that was being held at the Tala Police Station where Ngoma had reported the grabbing incident be forwarded to their offices in Machakos for further direction.
Ngoma said that he was ready to furnish all the relevant state agencies with legal land ownership documents showing that his family owned the land.
Ngoma also claims that the NCPB Tala Depot was also unprocedurally allocated land for its godowns on the disputed land and wants the organization to also be moved.
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