The government will not pay the registration fee for students who are res-sitting for national exams as the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education.
The registration began Wednesday, February 1, and will end on March 30, 2023, according to the announcement by Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC).
A circular directed to all heads of primary and secondary schools, all candidates should be bonafide school-going students in their respective schools.
Registration of ghost candidates is considered examination malpractice.
The ministry of education will incur the registration cost for all candidates in public and private schools. However, it will not pay for candidates re-sitting the exams, non-citizens, private candidates registered in the sub-county private examination centers, and those in prison.
Those sitting for regular KCPE will pay Sh800, while KCSE candidates who register for seven subjects will pay Sh5,000, Sh5, 400 for those with eight subjects, and 5,800 for nine subjects.
Candidates re-sitting the KCSE exam will pay Sh5,500 for seven subjects, Sh5,900 for eight subjects, and Sh6,300 for nine subjects.
Schools with candidates less than five will not be allowed to register candidates as independent examination centers.
Those with less than 30 candidates will be hosted in examination centers to be identified by SCDs in line with guidelines provided by KNEC.
The school heads are advised to adhere to the deadline in the portal, failure to which they will be required to submit physical registration documents to their respective SCD and KNEC offices on April 3, 2023, for verification before submission.
KCPE exam will begin on November 6 to November 9, 2023, and KCPE will commence on November 10 to December 1, 2023.