The Independent Policing Oversight Authority Monday asked the police to provide medical assistance to injured people during a violent encounter to be charged with a criminal offense.
In a statement responding to a fatal attack on police officers in Napaeimoit, Turkana County where four policemen were killed and eight left with injuries, IPOA said the use of force that results in injury requires immediate medical assistance from the police.
“It is unfortunate and gravely concerning that crime continues to rob Kenya of members of the public and police officers.”
“IPOA hopes that the Inspector General of Police and his police leadership will decisively deal with the criminal act committed at Napeimoit,” chairperson Anne Makori said.
IPOA condemned the encounter terming it inhuman.
The authority cautioned against the attacks on police officers on duty, saying it is equivalent to challenging Kenya’s sovereignty.
Makori added such criminal acts call for firm but lawful management by the police to ensure the restoration of order and sustainable peace countrywide.
Parts of the north rift have recorded increased cases of banditry in the past months.
President William Ruto Monday called upon those in possession of illegal firearms to surrender within three days.
The government will deploy KDF officers in banditry-prone areas, mostly in North Rift