Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram, announced on Monday that the messaging platform has intensified efforts to eliminate “problematic content,” following his recent arrest in France for failing to combat criminal activity on the app.
Durov informed his 13 million subscribers on his personal messaging channel that Telegram’s search function had been exploited by users violating its terms of service to sell illegal goods.
He noted that in the past few weeks, staff members have utilized artificial intelligence to remove all identified problematic content from the search feature.
Additionally, Durov revealed that Telegram has revised its terms of service and privacy policy to clarify that it will provide authorities with users’ details, including IP addresses and phone numbers, in response to valid legal requests.
“We will not allow malicious actors to compromise the integrity of our platform, which serves nearly a billion users,” he stated.
Durov’s arrest occurred on August 24 when he arrived at Le Bourget airport near Paris via private jet.
After several days of interrogation, he faced charges related to failing to restrict extremist and terrorist content.
He was released on bail set at five million euros ($5.6 million) but is required to remain in France and report to authorities twice weekly during the investigation.
Initially critical of his arrest, Durov has since indicated willingness to comply with French demands.
On September 6, he announced plans to modify Telegram’s “people nearby” feature to showcase “legitimate businesses” instead of “bots and scammers.”
He emphasized the commitment to transforming moderation on Telegram from a point of criticism to one of approval.
Durov, a private individual with a net worth estimated at $15.5 billion by Forbes, advocates for a minimalist lifestyle, eschewing alcohol and coffee while embracing practices like ice baths.
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