A Mombasa businessman was on Thursday found guilty of trafficking 1015.8 grams of heroin whose street value is estimated to be worth Sh3 million.
Eight witnesses testified against the accused, Abdulmajid Msallam Timami, before Mombasa Resident Magistrate Rita Orora who found him guilty of the offense.
The prosecution led by Yassir Mohamed proved its case against Abdulmajid Msallam Timami for the offense of trafficking in narcotic drugs by presenting eight witnesses in the case.
Orora also ordered that the vehicle in which the drugs were recovered be relinquished back to the State.
Timami’s sentencing will be made on January 11, according to Orora, who ordered the suspect remains in custody till then.
Most of the heroine in the country originates from Afghanistan through the Indian Ocean while cocaine originates from South America.