Didmus Barasa, Member of Parliament Kimilili has ventured into a fierce debate of removing the presidential term limit.
Barasa said Kenya Kwanza will rule for at least 50 years even without being removing the presidential term limit. The MP disagreed with leaders pushing for the removal of the constitutional term limit insisting that even without it, the ruling coalition can rule for at least half a century.
“The only thing we would want to continue is that we would want the Kenya Kwanza government to rule at least for the next 50 years,” he said during a television interview.
The MP went ahead explaining the position for Kenya Kwanza to rule all those years does not mean that the 10-years presidential term will be abolished.
“We can do that and achieve that goal by removing the time limit,” he added.
Barasa said that the continuity of the government of Kenya Kwanza will be achieved by ensuring that the successor of President William Ruto will be from the ruling coalition
“We can ensure that as soon as President Ruto completes his 10-years term constitutionally, then whoever comes will take it from the progress that William Ruto will have made during that time,” Barasa said.
Barasa pointed that Kenya Kwanza will be the same league as chama cha mapinduzi of Tanzania and South Africa’s ANC to ensure that it continues even after Ruto leaves.
The two parties are some of the parties that have ruled for decades in Africa, long after their founders left power.
The MP was contributing to the debate on the pressure to remove the presidential term limit to allow president Ruto to rule forever.